On 19 February 2009 5:39
subject Re: I did not even want to discuss his amendment
Hon, Gianpiero Dalia dalia_g@posta.senato.it

You see I tell you what I have read and would like to do, I feel immense disgust for his bill, you should assume that everything a citizen can say, can be criminally prosecuted.
This would be good if the same and the same politicians who are in the House and the Senate, decided to give up parliamentary immunity and to be judged for the crimes they committed, instead go looking for shortcuts that make the shield from, so can not be made them on trial during the term of office that were taken by themselves, then auto elect them when their mandate ends.
Think of governing the country with 37% of the vote is a farce, you do not have a majority and therefore you do not have 50% +1, which enables you to speak at least against the majority.
But who protects the interests of the remaining 49% ? The know realize that all citizens are equal before the law, however there are some who feel above the law, or those who do not want to give up parliamentary immunity, why so you can feel well protected.
you did the accounts without the landlord because already in 2006 the EU had announced the problem, then this is a review of something that has already been lived and she is in the process of amplifying, making other people the people.
I would remind you that according to art .21 of the Italian constitution every citizen is free to express his thoughts without any form of constraint, where we put the poles, then we are not talking about more than free speech, but the repression of freedom of speech .
As he says in relation to content on various sites, there is a way to punish those who commit offenses, then I do not understand this statement of the position, practically duplicates what already exists.
However you would like us to talk about respect of the Italian Constitution, then you start policy to set a good example, you're on those seats, because we have people put you there, from me the voting against the PD, PDL, IDV, UDC, I dreamed you.
The day I hunted people malaffare from party lists, then we could talk about respecting the law, because your President Totò Cuffaro former President of Sicily Region has not assumed the debt with the Italian Justice, as they have not discounted many others, this is not the Italian Parliament of a good example of a country ruled by honest people and that they are Democratic, and indeed towards all the people ITALIAN image as the European Union is viewed with disgust.
All figuracce we have done so far have been tolerated, but as examples Borghezio, leghista that entering the European Parliament waving a symbol of the League, did not leave indifferent the President, but it did put on the door.
This is the image that is projected by some people, not to mention we do with figuracce Silvio Berlusconi when it goes into Televisio and always attacking someone.
So I am ashamed to be a citizen ITALIAN, for each TG we hear from the European Union that we are a democratic country, but ruled by a dictator.
Fate Vobis and see levarvi of chestnuts from the fire, we are tired of being represented by people of malaffare.
I hope you will want to withdraw this bill or we put in the conditions to switch off their servers, do not guarantee any form of service, but at the same time we put down in the conditions of the squares in Italy to protest against that act which makes the whole a herb beam, provide for those who have committed a fault, instead of punishing an entire country.
Like to bring to your attention the interview that you have issued and published on the site of beppegrillo:
The "Wall Shit" D'Alia against Internet
He proposed an amendment approved in the Senate, a bill of Brunetta that will force providers to obscure websites, blogs or social media like YouTube and Facebook at the request of the Ministry of Interior for crimes of opinion, such as a movie or a group call fails to comply with a law considered unjust.
Without any ruling of the judiciary.
This now only occurs in China.
In a dictatorship.
D'Alia wants to build a Shit Wall, was inspired to psiconano.
The real competitor is Mediaset YouTube.
Mediaset not buy even if I give.
Advertising is moving away from television and the information is in the Network
Putting the Internet under the control of executive power is in fact close your mouth and close to free citizens.
It should not take Italy to the level of the worst countries in the world in terms of crimes of opinion.
Italy itself has become a country to Aziendam and as a prosecuting crimes of opinion we are not second to none.
The State is ours and we will take him.
It should not take Italy to the level of the worst countries in the world in terms of crimes of opinion.
Italy itself has become a country to Aziendam and as a prosecuting crimes of opinion we are not second to none.
The State is ours and we will take him.
Part in the Free Blogger with your own pictures with the words Free Blogger.
D'Alia: The amendment to Article 50 introduces a security package, which allows the Minister of the Interior, upon notice of the court which is a crime of incitement to criminal defense or offense, gives the Ministry of Interior the power to require that providers of Internet connectivity to use the filtering tools against those sites, or social
network that contain, say, statements and anything else related to these cases of crime.
That is, it's a standard that is used to begin to intervene in the regulation of the Internet and this comes mainly from events that focused on Facebook, the appearance on the social network for groups to inneggianti Riina, Provenzano, the Red Brigades and so on.
And since there is no tool in making an immediate action if it deems such a course of crime, that is, if the judiciary is investigating, the Minister of Interior is involved with a purely precautionary in nature that serve to avoid
that there is a proliferation of these sites or illegal these events on the network.
Of course, all this takes place with the possibility of recourse to the court by interested parties, but through a kind of contradictory with the operators of sites to which a notice is served to obscure, or delete those parts which are contrary to the positions mentioned.
A. Gilioli: But, Senator, let me interrupt you.
This claim is made that it is this: I read that right its amendment, no one speaks to cancel the parties, but to obscure the site.
Then they say: if there is a group on facebook that calls for Provenzano rather than other things, the effect of his amendment would delete the page, but obscure the entire site.
D'Alia: But excuse me: If the site does not pay to remove these subjects from the site, it is right that the site is obscured.
The Ministry warns the operator, the operator then has two options: either comply and then delete the site group, or do not comply.
If you do not comply it is an accomplice of those who praise Riina and Provenzano is therefore right that is obscured.
A. Gilioli: In YouTube, for example, there are several videos that may fall, perhaps, within the type that you expressed.
If YouTube does not delete the video is obscured the YouTube?
D'Alia: I will, of course.
A. Gilioli: Yet another case ...
D'Alia: Let me give an example: if one comes out on YouTube video, as it happened, and also there have been several controversies, in which four boys beat their contemporary disabile however, in this case we represent the presence of a crime is not that there is an apology: there is the direct or playing a film in which it is committing a criminal offense is right that a site is maintained?
I think not.
A. Gilioli: Another case: there is a debate online, on sites in the forums.
Among users of the forum may be that there is also that insults or threatens you.
She believes this is a type ...
D'Alia: If someone threatens me, the threat in reality or on the internet is always a crime.
A. Gilioli: Here are another kind: I am allegedly the author of a blog.
Within some of my blog, one of the commentators on my blog, I insult, threat.
I who am the blog master and then I think it is fair to leave my blog open to each entry, including those that threaten me and insult me, do not I hide these items.
Even in this case falls within the type?
D'Alia: Look, cover all those assumptions that are provided under the Criminal Code of the crimes of murder or incitement to disobey the law.
The crimes of apology of crime, which are provided by the Criminal Code or other provisions.
These are all assumptions that are brought to case illegal, who are already punished in the criminal code and that thus need to be sanctioned in all their manifestations.
It is not that changes if I make a stencils to say that Riina ...
A. Gilioli: Excuse me Senator, are we talking about the comments to a blog ...
D'Alia: Well, the comments to a blog is not that different: if in a comment to a blog I would say that the Red Brigades have done well to kill Moro, this is called apology of crime.
What I do on the blog, with a telegram, a card, with a press release does not change:
Always it comes to crime and should be pursued, and should be pursued if the one who makes it complicit publishing these disgraceful, including whether it is an operator of the Internet just be clear.
I think in this way.
A. Gilioli: Senta senator: you are a frequenter of the network?
D'Alia: Yes
A. Gilioli: On facebook there's going?
D'Alia: No, I go on facebook indigna just because I see on that site that you censurino mothers who breastfeed their children because it is considered an aesthetically offensive, unsightly, and then allow the various groups, such as "Homage to Cutolo, who is a relative of pentiti infamous confidants and please do not subscribe to this site dedicated to Cutolo.
I do not go there because this site that censure the mothers, as also correctly says Article 21, and allows these disgraceful is an unworthy, from my point of view.
With all due respect to those who enter.
A. Gilioli: Are you aware that if you close in YouTube and Facebook we are worse than the Birmania ?
D'Alia: Look, I do not have to close or Facebook or YouTube: I am because Facebook and YouTube respect the victims of the Mafia, terrorism and rapes.
A. Gilioli: And if you do not comply?
D'Alia: You do not comply can not have respect for the rule.
A. Gilioli: So are closed.
D'Alia: And 'evident.
As published on the site of BeppeGrillo I sent to the European Parliament, we will see what they say, I know that I send him a brief to the European Union, but the beauty is that the site of the European Union, we learn the following statement:
Parliament backs Internet freedom Citizens' rights - 18-07-2006 - 12:08
Internet in chains ?
The fight for freedom of expression has today largely shifted on-line the European Parliament notes in a resolution adopted during its July plenary.
In view of the ever more far-reaching methods of controlling the Internet and the increasing number of so called "cyber-dissidents", the Parliament calls for an EU code of conduct to limit western businesses that contribute to censoring the internet in repressive countries.
The US is already preparing a similar measure.
The Internet has become the means of expression for political dissidents, human rights defenders and independent journalists worldwide the Parliament notes.
At the same time, authoritarian governments use more and more sophisticated filtering and surveillance technology often coming from western companies.
The Chinese government has even persuaded companies such as Yahoo, Google and Microsoft to facilitate the censorship of their services.
Imprisoned in Cyberspace ?
According to human rights organisations, most of the cyber-dissidents detained in prison are in China a country which recently concluded an agreement with the search engine Google to operate there as long as certain web pages were blocked.
The Paris-based Reporters Without Frontiers group which campaigns for press freedom have been particularly critical of China which has its share of cyber-dissidents.
They include the recently released Chinese blogger and documentary filmmaker Hao Wu, the journalist Shi Tao and cyber-dissident Yang Zili.
Convinced that the freedom of expression is a key yardstick to judge whether a society is democratic and open, the Parliament strongly condemns restrictions on Internet content (apart from when it is illegal), as well as the harassment and imprisonment of Internet users.
It calls on the EU to take steps to promote free speech on the web and to help release detained Internet users.
Parliament's President Borrell raises concerns
During his visit to China last week, EP President Josep Borrell welcomed the release of cyber-dissident Hao Wu - a week after the Parliament adopted its resolution that referred to his case.
There is still a long way to go and I raised Parliament concerns about remaining restrictions on the freedom of expression the President said in a statement concluding his visit.
President Borrell also called upon China to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which article 19 seeks to guarantee unrestricted freedom of expression.
Paul Del Bene
ps: I hope that you know the English language, otherwise does translate it.